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Building site facilities

The layout of the construction site is important for a functional and safe construction site. The general contractor is responsible for everyone present at the construction site, even if they are not construction personnel. It goes without saying that unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter the construction site.

With the cooperation of
Round_Yves Spooren 104 px
Yves Spooren

International Account Manager

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Wondering what choices you have to prevent unauthorized people from entering your building site and to optimally regulate traffic? Make an appointment with our advisers.


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Chapter 1

What are building site facilities?

Building site facilities involve the setting up of an operational and safe building site. This ensures that the construction project is executed as efficiently as possible with minimal standstills and frustration.

Round_Yves Spooren 104 px
Yves Spooren

International Account Manager

A construction project often begins with undeveloped land and preparing an area to quickly build a small ‘construction village’ that has its own - temporary - infrastructure. You need to allow for a variety of factors, such as the type of construction project, location and environment, materials to be used, required utilities, legislation, and of course, building site safety. Each of these factors can cause standstills.

Building site components

Every building site is unique. Nevertheless, some components are invariably on every checklist. For example, fencing to keep out loiterers, the laying of a sewer, materials security, and terrain lighting. Toilets and site huts are also indispensable for creating a decent work environment. Lifts and cranes are also indispensable during the workday. We have summarized the most practical matters below.


As a building contractor, you are responsible for the safety of your staff, passers-by, and local residents. You must restrict the nuisance and traffic congestion to a minimum at and around the building site. You want to deter intruders and safely store materials and equipment. Only authorized persons may enter the terrain. At the same time, your terrain must be easily accessible for your staff and supplier. You also want to ensure that your terrain is tidy and clean. You can deal with all issues in one go when you use the right mobile fences and gates.

Power, water, gas, and sewer connections

Naturally, you will want to request the right amenities - in a timely manner - to avoid delays. For example, power, water, sewer, phone, internet, etc. You can manage this yourself with the utility companies or subcontract the work to a consulting firm. Heras Temporary Fencing is happy to introduce you to such a firm.


Lighting is essential for all building site facilities. Professional lighting deters unauthorized persons entering your building site at night. It also ensures that there is plenty of light at the physical workplace. You should install temporary lighting at strategic locations, both direct and indirect. For example, outdoor lighting, temporary indoor lighting, such as shafts, floors, etc. In brief, turn on the lights!

Safety and security

Building site safety and security is a double-edged sword: it optimizes a safe work environment for staff and visitors and it minimizes vandalism and theft at your building site. Presently, the bar is set very high for safety at construction sites. So, make sure this component has a high priority for your building site facilities. There cannot avoid taking this seriously because appropriate measures are easy to implement. For example, use an electric sliding gate, which is easy to install and a simple means of reducing the risk of theft.

Construction lifts and cranes

You need the right lifts and cranes to move heavy objects and materials to the right place, including to great heights. Such heavy equipment is indispensable for all building site facilities whether for the short-term or long-term.

Toilets and site huts

Make sure you install enough toilets and site huts for your staff and visitors. A site hut is a unique place where workmen gather and relax after working hard. Site huts are available with a toilet, storeroom, kitchen block with refrigerator, roller shutters, additional office space, etc.

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Chapter 2

Building site safety

It was noted that one major cause of accidents is poor communication, which is due in part to the large diversity of nationalities and the need to ensure people are supervised sufficiently in a timely manner.

Round_Yves Spooren 104 px
Yves Spooren

International Account Manager

Personal protection

As an employer, you are required by law to provide safe working conditions and personal protective equipment, e.g. safe work clothes, shoes, and head and hearing protection. This is an absolute given as the building industry is beset by hearing damage. The latest figures show the seriousness of the problem, namely, one in five construction workers has poor hearing. In fact, 13 per cent have been made permanently deaf due to building site noise. This is why the labor inspectorate will perform additional inspections in the building industry.

When noise exceeds 80 dB(A), it can cause hearing damage and the employer must provide ear plugs or ear muffs for hearing protection. It is even better when a machine is shielded using a sound barrier. This soundproofing tarpaulin reduces ambient noise up to 32.8 dB.


Danger of falling, stumbling, and slipping

You can limit the number of stumbles and falls by keeping building site facilities orderly and ensuring that it is neatly cleaned up. You can use semi-permanent mobile fences to shield off dangerous areas and restrict stumbles and falls.


Facilities and logistics

You can install access control, for example, a sliding gate, at a strategic location to keep undesired visitors outside the building site and maintain insight into who is located on your building site. Vandalism and theft can be reduced by using ‘smart’ logistics, namely, the just-in-time delivery of materials. This fosters a safe work environment.

Chapter 3

Requirements for a safe building site

This involves legislation and legal requirements, such as the health and safety legislation, the Buildings Decree, and the Environmental Permitting Decree 2010. Your building site facilities must comply with all of these laws and regulations down to the last detail. The municipality monitors whether you observe these laws and regulations. So, it is important to comply accordingly. You can see just how extensive the building regulations are by visiting the pages on your local government’s website.

Round_Yves Spooren 104 px
Yves Spooren

International Account Manager

How do you implement proper building site facilities?

You have located the practical part of this page. You are going to start work on your building site facilities, so we can now provide you with a variety of useful tools. Fencing ensures that your site facilities are as sound as a bell. 

Fencing is the foundation for all site facilities. It is important to be really thorough when you start determining and calculating the right fencing and that you install it in a timely manner.

Planning fencing yourself

Determining the number of proper fences is not rocket science. However, you must take some important factors into account. 

Fencing required urgently

An urgent situation can always occur when you are caught short at the eleventh hour with respect to fencing. And with respect to purchasing at a particular time, you really want a supplier that is flexible in working with you on your choice and that also has the inventory and logistics resources to provide a solution within a few hours. 

Advice needed on a smarter construction site layout?

Ask our specialist
Chapter 4

Building site fencing

What should you consider?

Round_Yves Spooren 104 px
Yves Spooren

International Account Manager

You have to juggle a lot of issues:

  • You must comply with all kinds of regulations and legislation.
  • You are responsible for the safety of your staff, visitors, and local residents.
  • You must restrict the nuisance and traffic congestion to a minimum at and around the building site.
  • You want to keep intruders out.
  • You want to store your materials and equipment safely.
  • You want your terrain to be easily accessible for staff and suppliers.
  • To do so, you need to ensure that all traffic flows in an orderly manner and that the terrain is kept neat and tidy.

Installing the right mobile fences and entrance gates make juggling everything easy and safeguards:

  • Safety for your staff, suppliers, and local residents.
  • Restricts inconvenience and traffic congestion.
  • Keeps out intruders and unauthorized persons.
  • Stores materials and equipment safely.
  • Appropriate accessibility for your staff and suppliers.
  • An orderly building site.
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We will be happy to tell you more about the different options for buying construction site fencing.


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We go all out for our customers. Make an appointment and our dealers will supply the right fences and accessoires to secure your building site.